The role of learning behaviours in the EYFS

13:20 - 14:00

As our understanding of the Curriculum in the EYFS grows and evolves it is becoming increasingly clear that within the necessity for progression and depth is a need for understanding and supporting how learning is enabled and utilised.

The Statutory Characteristics of Effective Learning (CoEL) provide a broad framework for shaping the ‘how’ as well as ‘what’ children learn and the way in which this nurtures their development as effective learners. Additionally the OFSTED document (‘Best Start in life part1: Setting the scene’ identifies how key elements of Cognitive development such as  Executive Function, Meta cognition, cognitive flexibility and working memory are vital in establishing effective conditions in which learners will flourish.

In this session, Jan Dubiel will explore the importance that Learning Behaviours play in children’s learning, knowledge acquisition and intellectual development, and how they effect a vital role in providing both a context and purpose for the ‘what’ children learn.  Drawing on current research findings he will provide practical advice and guidance on how Learning Behaviours can be identified and supported in EYFS Provision. Critically, this is not about adding extra workload to the dimensions of EYFS practice but rather foregrounding the importance of Learning Behaviours and ‘switching the lens’ by which we observe children’s activity.